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Director of Programmes

In 2022, the range of programmes has been redesigned and expanded in order to give a better response to market expectations and developments. Through this portfolio of programmes, Audencia now offers access to the school’s educational excellence at all levels of initial education (from school leavers to students with 5 years in H. Ed.).


The number of new programmes that will be open by the beginning of the 2023 school year, thanks to work carried out over the last few months.

How would you assess 2022?

2022 has been an important step in the Audencia programme portfolio with a considerably reworked and expanded offer, first and foremost focused on a richer and more visible offer for high-school leavers to prepare Audencia for the future: whereas we only had one in 2019, we are marketing five in 2022-23.

From an international point of view, we are now proposing a renewed and broadened offer (with growth from 6 to 22 masters + ABM English track programmes and the BBA BDM). In tandem, we have also repositioned our SM portfolio to focus increasingly on apprenticeships, in order to meet the market’s needs.

Finally, thanks to collective and cross-disciplinary work our programme portfolio now offers a gateway to all levels into initial education (high school leavers, students with 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 years in higher education), which is an interesting option both for our prospects and for our in-house students. I would therefore like to take this opportunity to thank the teams for their investment during these complex times, at the very heart of national and international challenges.

What is your vision for 2023?

A strong dynamic in the coming year will be the new hybrid programmes which we have started marketing in 2023, namely our 3 new hybrid bachelor courses as well as our new specialised master in Circular Economy and Resources, launched in partnership with renowned schools in Nantes, the Loire Valley and the Ile de France region.

The initial feedback from trade fairs seems encouraging, both in Paris and in Nantes, with interesting development prospects that will serve Audencia’s ambitions over the coming years. All these new programmes will have an even stronger impact given that they will be spearheaded by the new Paris campus that will open its doors in Saint Ouen in September.

This new campus is an ambitious initiative, thanks to its ecosystem and proximity with many prestigious businesses, as well as its capacity and modernity. In support of the increase in our student numbers, we are also working on the development, over the next few years, of student services (in particular concerning our accommodation capacity in Nantes and Paris), as well as on the quality of welcome we provide to foreign students, of whom we hope to have a large number in the years to come. All in all, 2023 promises to be a new and important step for Audencia and its development.

What are your goals for the completion of the strategic plan, within the scope of the ECOS plan?

The work on designing and transforming the offering has been completed. We now have to collectively appropriate and implement this new offering in line with the ambitions of the strategic plan.

We have a lot of work ahead of us, but I know that the teams are motivated and mobilised to meet the challenge. Our goal is to constantly attract an increasing number of students! This dynamic will also be supported by the development of many programmes on our Paris campus.

Though this list is not exhaustive, among the most important openings are the Sirius programme and the 17 new MSc in 2024, not forgetting the constantly increasing intake of graduate college students in apprenticeships. In 2024, we hope to welcome more than 1,200 Audencia students on the Paris campus who will be able to take advantage of its momentum!

What are your CSR commitments?

We have many commitments. First and foremost, we contribute to sharing educational content in line with current climate and societal issues. Naturally, we have to mention the Gaïa school, but, but we are going many steps further by including these modules in each of our programmes as proof of our strong commitment to such issues.

In tandem, we also contribute to awareness-raising operations on various key themes, with our responsibility for training the managers and leaders of tomorrow in mind. The school has also taken the decision to put a stop to distributing goodies within the scope of competitive entrance exams, in line with the issues of austerity and exemplarity shared by our government. Finally, we always offer students the opportunity to get involved in responsible community programmes to contribute to a better world.


Student Service Manager

Solutions to students’ financial concerns

“The financial health of our students has a major impact on their success. On a daily basis, we look into ways to provide greater financial security for our students, whether in preparation of their study plans or in accessibility to Audencia for students from less privileged families, as well as in assistance with specific needs. In tandem with the long-standing existence of internal scholarships to assist with the payment of tuition fees, the development of the action carried out by the student life department (DVE) with the Audencia Foundation allows assistance with other financial concerns held by our students, such as help with funding internships abroad or attribution of solidarity grants (in 2022, € 50,160 raised by the foundation for the solidarity fund were attributed to students who were experiencing financial difficulties).”

8 Route de la Jonelière
B.P. 31222
44312 Nantes, Cedex 3
Tel : +33(0)2 40 37 34 34