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Director of Executive Education

Between the development of new certifications, strengthening of international activities and good results in rankings, 2022 was synonymous with the development of the Executive Education Department, focused on the quality of the training provided and the satisfaction of businesses and their managers.



The presence of Executive Education on the international scene: Europe – Asia – Africa.

How would you assess 2022?

First of all, from an organisational point of view, we took advantage of 2022 to reorganise and optimise our activities around our 4 major programme families: the MBA, DBA, Open and Custom programmes. In tandem, collective work was also carried out to realign certain training courses with RNCP titles, develop new certificates from these changes and constantly aim for greater excellence in response to the needs of businesses and their managers.

Also, 2022 was a year of consolidation for what we defined in 2021, particularly with continuation of our international development. As regards the MBA, this resulted in the launch of a new Executive MBA in Morocco and Senegal in September. Concerning Open, we launched an Executive programme in Energy Business in partnership with Alba but also an IM SM with SAFTI. As for Custom, we completed a huge project with the Wuchan Zhongda Group through which we trained almost 150 managers in 2022.

Finally, this last year also saw the influence of Executive Education improve thanks to many positive classifications, including, of course, the mention of our Executive MBA in the top 100 of the Financial Times.

What is your vision for 2023?

After a diagnostic phase when I took on my duties, for me 2023 will be the start of a plan leading up to 2025 for Executive Education. This plan will be developed around three main intentions. The first will be to continue improving our quality processes as well as the satisfaction of our internal and external customers. The second vector will be to pursue globalising and diversifying our offer, especially in connection with certifications.

In this respect, 2023 will witness the launch of a new DBAs in Europe and Africa. At Open level, the on-line IM SM should come into being in other regions of the world, such as the Middle East, but also in Africa, in particular through a certificate for Guinean directors. Finally, as far as Custom is concerned, development will take place both internationally and with regard to the global offering, in order to diversify activity. The objective is to straightforwardly mobilise all the expertise that Audencia possesses and place it at the service of all businesses. In terms of market diversification, the Paris campus will be at the heart of our strategy in 2023 with many projects also underway abroad.

Finally, the 3rd vector of our strategy will see us switch to a new mode of engagement in order to capitalise even further on the school’s internal and external resources. This will include greater integration of the Associated International Faculty into our training programmes.

What are your goals for the completion of the strategic plan, within the scope of the ECOS plan?

For 2025, beyond the three vectors previously mentioned, we all share the vision that Executive Education will be people focused. Our conviction is that all the questions raised, all the orientations envisaged in the framework of our ECOS 2025 strategic plan concerning positive impact, are and will be raised at the level of individuals and decision-makers in the field.

This is why we must be able to determine, as soon as possible, the contours of the Executive Education decision-maker’s model, because it is this model that will strengthen our positioning in relation to our Ecosystem. All this work will of course have to be performed on a sound and wide-ranging basis, supported by values that are shared at all levels.

What are your CSR commitments?

Firstly, all aspects of CSR are reflected in our continuing education activities. We assist more and more companies that require support with these issues. The ecological and social transition certificate that we launched this year is one of the most striking examples. Beyond the CSR teaching offering that we promote, we also have many schemes that support the societal dimension of Executive Education, starting with women leader grants, whose aim is to strengthen diversity in our programmes.

Finally, in addition to proposing these dimensions externally, we make every effort to integrate them automatically into our organisation’s thinking. As a result, this naturally penetrates into our activities in order to enrich our practices and our training content. It is now a key issue for individuals, organisations and society as a whole.


Head of operations & quality

The team has shown exceptional adaptability

“In a highly competitive sector and in response to the need for innovation and performance of national and international companies, training for employees, managers or executives must be agile and effective; this is why the Executive Education programme management must maintain an optimal level of knowledge of developments such as the new reforms in professional training, Quality & Accreditation certifications, or the requirements of France Compétences, etc. The challenge is also to offer the 2150 Executive Education participants and 50 companies a quality experience and support, from their first days at Audencia, until their graduation.

This year, the Operations & Quality team demonstrated exceptional adaptability by deploying a customised training programme for a company in Cholet, France, in record time, for some 100 employees, divided into 9 classes. It was also able to offer Gaïa modules accessible in a 100% digital format for several corporate partners. The team also worked on the implementation of a tool adapted to our international partners in order to facilitate exchanges and better structure the collection of information required for accreditations.”

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B.P. 31222
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